Sunday, August 16, 2009

With a cup of coffee in hand

I sit here on the porch swing. It's a beautiful day here on Petticoat Lane. Sun is shining through the hill tops. They say it's going to be a high of 87. Finally the middle of August and we start having summer like weather. It's been a weird summer where weather is concerned. The garden here on Petticoat Lane didn't fare so well this year.
Been a busy week this week with everyone back to work. Caroline said they only managed to lose 2 kids here the first week of school, got on the wrong bus. Then they were fortunate enough to gain a kid. She didn't speak any English other than her name, which was Kennedy. Said it took them some time to figure out which school she was suppose to be at. Not seen or heard from Keith since he started back to school this week. Busy boy he is when school starts with the Sports Med program.
Dave went back to school this week too! They had him on a rooftop at a High School in Corbin. Trying to make sure he could get those teenie boppers cooled off. hehe.
Barry had the alternator go out in his mail vehicle. Frustrating I know.
Other excitement here on Petticoat Lane is we have new neighbors. They finished with the renovations of the block house and moved in. Instead of 4 bedrooms and 1 bath, it is a 3 bedroom with 2 bath. They added central heat and air along with new windows. The Mr. & Mrs. has two little girls and two dogs.
Yesterday Caroline came by Aunt Maxine's and brought her home with her for the day. They started the day off with breakfast. My what a spread these people put on. Doesn't it seem like the best families sit around the table and know how to make the best food?? Aunt Maxine needs to get some recipes on here soon.

I think I just got a whiff of Maria fixin' breakfast. My my it sure smells good. I think I best go see, and then be off to church. Come on over and she'll feed ya I'm sure. Cooks for an army like her Nannie. Then off to church we'll be...